Thanks to all Sleep-Out volunteers & supporters!

The Sleep-Out from 8 to 9 October 2022 at Bromley Parish Church was a huge success. The event was attended by record numbers of our community and everyone who came enjoyed the food, the raffle and finding out more about the work that Bromley Homeless does.

We had 22 kind souls who generously gave up their Saturday night to raise much-needed funds to support our work. While it was a cold night, it was at least dry and all our sleepers (including a number of under-18s) were immensely grateful for this. Thank you to them and to all of the volunteers who gave up their time to help make this evening such a success; whether this was to help serve food, stay up to serve drinks and keep watch or to run the raffle and music. It was a great team effort!

The Sleep-Out raised over £15,000. This is amazing and we are so grateful to all of you! Bromley Homeless is heavily reliant on these donations to help and support the homeless in our community. This is why we are thrilled that this event was able to raise these funds. With 97.9p of all donations going directly to people suffering or at risk from homelessness, you can be sure that these donations will make all the difference.

We are grateful once again to Bromley Parish Church for hosting the Sleep-Out.

And last but not least, we also say a HUGE thank you to our friends at Tamasha Restaurant in Widmore Road for providing us with the absolutely delicious dinner. They are truly a wonderful, generous business to do this.

Sleeping Bags outside in the cold
Refreshments In the church hall
Bromley Parish Church during Sleep Out
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