About the Advice Service

If you are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless in Bromley, and are 18 or over, our Advice Service will help you.  Our trained staff will offer you practical support.

We are open Monday to Friday 10.30am to 4pm at the United Reformed Church in central Bromley (next to Boots).

You can also arrange an appointment with the Advice Service by phoning on 0208 460 0042 or emailing Kim Sutton at  kim.sutton@bromleyhomeless.org. Please give your name, phone number and outline your problem.

If you do not have homelessness problems but have other needs, please go to other local organisations, such as Citizens Advice Bureau.

Out of Hours

When our office is not staffed, you can call:

Bromley Council, Housing:
8.45am to 5pm on 020 8461 7721
Out of Hours 5pm to 8.45am 0300 303 8671
Email: housing.options@bromley.gov.uk

Street Link 0300 500 0914

What the Bromley Homeless Advice Service Offers

Benefit support – if you are eligible for state benefits towards housing costs, we will help you to apply. We can also liaise with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) for you if you would like us to.

Housing support – if you are eligible for housing support from Bromley Council, we will help you to contact the Council and can also present your case. Council housing officers come to the Advice Service regularly.

Hosted accommodation – sometimes, we may be able to offer homeless people accommodation with a host in Bromley.

Emergency accommodation – in winter months, Bromley Homeless offers emergency accommodation.

Eviction mediation – if you are in housing but threatened with eviction, we will mediate with the landlord on your behalf.

Food – if you are homeless and do not have money to buy food, we can direct you to local charities that have food banks.

Medical support – if your homelessness makes it difficult to get suitable medical support we can put you in touch with the right NHS services. Doctors and nurses from Cator Medical Practice visit the Advice Service to make access and signing up as a patient easier.

Psychological support – if your homelessness is causing depression, anxiety or other mental health problems, we can provide access to counselling or NHS mental health services.

Addiction – if you are homeless and face problems with addiction, we can direct you to relevant NHS services.

ID documents – if you are homeless and have no identity documents, we can help you to apply for a birth certificate or other personal documents that you might need to get housing.