Arrivals and Departures by Alan Ayckbourn
Thursday 9 May 2024 at 7:45pm
Bromley Little Theatre, North Street, Bromley, BR1 1SB

Charity Preview for Bromley Homeless
Tickets £10 from

Our thanks once again to Bromley Little Theatre for offering tickets for the charity
preview to support our work!!

Theatre production flyer

At a London rail terminus an elaborate trap is being deployed in an attempt to capture a
dangerous and elusive terrorist, codenamed Cerastes. Major Sexton and his hand-picked
Security Unit are poised to detain him although not giving the impression of being terribly able.

They are being assisted by an eye witness, Barry, a traffic warden from Yorkshire and his protection officer, Esme a 27-year-old disgraced soldier. As they wait for the train carrying the suspect to arrive, Barry and Esme are told to blend in as part of the clandestine action. In the first Act, as they attempt to indulge in small talk, Esme relives her life story through memories in a series of vignettes. During the second Act, the flashbacks are of Barry’s eventful life. The play ends dramatically when Cerastes arrives.

This 2013 play has been relatively little performed but received critical acclaim and was listed by Michael Billington as one of his top 10 plays of the year.

‘His new masterpiece: ambitious, inventive, mischievously funny but emotionally serious with a shocking, ironic and redemptive final twist.’ The Times August 2013

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